Sunday, October 9, 2011

Catch up

Lots to catch up on Morgan and Jasper's play time........

Morgan has been busy helping daddy study, crawling, walking along furniture, and bubble popping.

Jasper is obviously more surprised at the court's decision than Keith is.


Conference weekend, hense the lounging in pj's and comforter

Yes Jasper found his new best friend in Emily. He even ditched Keith and I to sleep with her downstairs her second night here.

Home made pizza! We are thinking about making them as part of our family conference tradition...Emily had no complaints:)

I learned how to do a waterfall braid on you tube and tried it on Emily, all while making the BEST cupcake cookies in the world, thanks to Emily's know how and inspiration!


  1. Fun times. Morgan is getting so big. She looks so much like her mommy.

  2. 1 - Morgans shopping skills are awesome, she knows how to pick a good kitty!

    2 - Bubble-popping is harder than it looks, I think she's got it down!

    3 - I literally burst when I saw Jasper's reaction, PRICELESS

    4 - PJs and comforter... you both are too cute!

    5 - Homemade pizza's are the best, but then ANYTHING homemade is the best with Sessa in the kitchen.

    6 - TEACH ME the waterfall braid! Tell Emily she wears it so well :)
